Source code for woeid.api

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016 Renchen Sun.
# Licensed under the The MIT License (MIT) Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""A library that provides a Python interface to the Yahoo GeoPlanet API"""

from woeid import (WoeidError, Filters, Relationships, MakeRequest, BuildParams, BuildUrls)

	from urllib import quote
except ImportError:
	from urllib.parse import quote

[docs]class Api(object): """A python interface into the Woeid API Example usage: To create an instance of the woeid.Api class. Note: you will need to initialize it with your client id (consumer key) which you can obtain from Yahoo at The detailed guide can be found in the Getting Started section. >>> import woeid >>> api = woeid.Api(client_id='client_key') Args: client_id(``str``): Your yahoo client id (consumer key). Note: this is not the id of your app! base_url(``str``, optional): Specify the base url for making requests. (You probably wouldn't want to change it) select(``str``, optional): Specify how you would like your result to return. Only `short` or `long` are accepted. format(``str``, optional): Specify which format you would like to receive as a response format. Three values are accepted: `json`, `xml`, `geojson`. lang(``str``, optional): Specify the language you would like the return names to be be shown. RFC 4646 language codes are accepted. count(``str`` or ``int``, optional): Specify the maximum number of results to return. A count of 0 is interpreted as `no maximum` (all resources) start(``str`` or ``int``, optional): Skip the first N results. """ def __init__(self, client_id, base_url='', select='long', format='json', lang='en-us', count=0, start=0): """Instantiate a new woeid.Api object. """ self.__base_url = base_url self.__clientid = client_id self.__format = format self.__select = select self.__lang = lang self.__count = count self.__start = start @property def BaseUrl(self): """The base url :getter: Get the base url :setter: Set the base url :type: ``str`` """ return self.__base_url @BaseUrl.setter def BaseUrl(self, url): try: self.__base_url = str(url) except ValueError: raise WoeidError("Expect a string type for url") @property def ClientId(self): """The client id :getter: Get the client id :setter: Set the client id :type: ``str`` """ return self.__clientid @ClientId.setter def ClientId(self, client_id): try: self.__clientid = str(client_id) except ValueError: raise WoeidError("Expect a string type for appid") @property def Format(self): """The response format code :getter: Get the response format code :setter: Set the response format code. Supported values are: 'json', 'xml', 'geojson' :type: ``str`` """ return self.__format @Format.setter def Format(self, format): try: self.__format = str(format) except ValueError: raise WoeidError("Expect a string type for format") @property def Select(self): """The result representation mode :getter: Get the result representation mode :setter: Set the result representation mode. Supported values are: `long`, `short` :type: ``str`` """ return self.__select @Select.setter def Select(self, select): try: if str(select).lower() == 'short' or str(select).lower() == 'long': self.__select = str(select) else: raise WoeidError("select can be either 'short' or 'long'") except ValueError: raise WoeidError("Expect a string type for select") @property def Lang(self): """The language code (RFC 4646) used for making requests :getter: Get the language code used for making requests :setter: Set the language code used for making requests. Possible language codes are defined in RFC 4646 :type: ``str`` """ return self.__lang @Lang.setter def Lang(self, lang): try: self.__lang = str(lang) except ValueError: raise WoeidError("Expect a stirng type for lang") @property def Count(self): """The format code :getter: Get the maximum number of results to return. :setter: Set the maximum number of results to return. A value of 0 is interpreted as no maximum (all resources) :type: ``int`` or ``str`` """ return self.__count @Count.setter def Count(self, count): try: self.__count = int(count) except ValueError: raise WoeidError("Expect an integer type for count") @property def Start(self): """The number of records to skip :getter: Get the number of records to skip :setter: Set the number of records to skip :type: ``int`` or ``str`` """ return self._Start @Start.setter def Start(self, start): try: self.__start = int(start) except ValueError: raise WoeidError("Expect an integer type for start")
[docs] def GetPlace(self, woeid, degree=None, typ=None, nd=None, parent=False, ancestors=False, belongtos=False, neighbors=False, children=False, siblings=False, descendants=False, common=False): """Return a place object that matches a specified woeid or with a specified relationship specifier (parent, ancestors, belongtos, neightbors, children, siblings, descendants, common) or with filters (degree, typ, nd). Args: woeid(``str`` or ``int`` or ``tuple`` or ``list``): The unique place specifier. degree(``int`` or ``str``, optional): `.degree` specifier which represents the degree to which two places are neighborhoods. Only consider valid if either `neighbors` or `children` filters are set. typ(``str`` or ``int`` or ``list``, optional): `.type` specifier which is used to specify placetypes. Up to ten place types may be provided. Only consider valid if either `belongtos`, `children` or `placetypes` are set. nd(boolean, optional): `$and` specifier which is used to join two fitlers together. parent(``boolean``, optional): A relationship specifier used to return a parent place of a given woeid. ancestors(``boolean``, optional): A relationship specifier used to return one or more acestors of a place of a given woeid. belongtos(``boolean``, optional): A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that have a place as a child or descendant (child of a child). neighbors(``boolean``, optional): A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that neighbor of a place. children(``boolean``, optional): A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that are children of a place. siblings(``boolean``, optional): A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that are siblings of a place. descendants(``boolean``, optional): A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that are in the child hierarchy (the child, the child of child, etc). common(``boolean``, optional): A relationship specifier used to return the common ancestor of both places. Returns: Response content ``in ``bytes```` """ if type(woeid) == int: extra_paths = ['place/' + str(woeid)] else: extra_paths = ['place/' + str(woeid[0])] filters = Filters(typ=typ, degree=degree, aand=nd) relationships = Relationships(parent, ancestors, belongtos, neighbors, siblings, children, descendants, common) extra_parms = self.__BuildParams() url = BuildUrls(url=self.__base_url, path_elements=extra_paths, extra_params=extra_parms, extra_woeid=None if type(woeid) is int else woeid[1:], filters=filters, relationships=relationships, count=self.__count, start=self.__start) return MakeRequest(url)
[docs] def GetPlaces(self, q=None, woeid=None, typ=None, nd=None): """ Returns a collection of places that match a specified place name, and optionally, a specified place type. The resources in the collection are long representations of each place (unless short representations are explicitly requested).Supported Filters `.q`, `.type`, `$and`, `.woeid`. Args: q(``str`` or ``tuple``, optional): Specify a place name to search for or a tuple that has a place name and a focus. This filter is mutually exclusive with the `woeid` filter. The specified place can be any unicode characters. Focus can be either an ISO-3166-1 country code or a WOEID. For a "startswith" filter, specify the place as a string followed by an asterisk (*). woeid(``list(str)`` or ``list(int)``, optional): Specify a `Where On Earth Identifier` (`woeid`). Up to ten WOEIDs may be specified. This filter is mutually exclusive with the `q` filter. Example: woeid=(1,2,3) typ(``list(str)`` or ``list(int)`` or ``int``, optional): Specify one or more place type codes ( Up to ten place type codes or names may be provided. nd(``boolean``, optional): Specify a join operations on two filters. Example: >>> import woeid >>> api = woeid.Api(client_id='YOUR_CLIENT_ID') >>> ret = api.GetPlaces(q='StringField', typ=22, nd=True) Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ filters = Filters(q=q, woeid=woeid, typ=typ, aand=nd) extra_paths = ['places'] extra_params = self.__BuildParams() url = BuildUrls(url=self.__base_url, path_elements=extra_paths, extra_params=extra_params, filters=filters, count=self.__count, start=self.__start) return MakeRequest(url)
def __BuildParams(self): return BuildParams(self.__clientid, format=self.__format, select=self.__select, lang=self.__lang) def __GetHelper(self, path=None, place=None, filters=None): extra_paths = [path] if type(path) is not list else path if type(place) is str and place: extra_paths.append(quote(place)) extra_params = self.__BuildParams() url = BuildUrls(url=self.__base_url, path_elements=extra_paths, extra_params=extra_params, filters=filters, count=self.__start, start=self.__start) return MakeRequest(url)
[docs] def GetContinents(self): """Returns a collection of places that are continents. Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ return self.__GetHelper('continents')
[docs] def GetOceans(self): """Returns a collection of places that are oceans. Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ return self.__GetHelper('oceans')
[docs] def GetSeas(self, place=None): """Returns a collection of places that are seas if `place` is not provided. Returns a collection of places that are seas and are part of or adjacent to the specified continent or ocean if `place` is specified. Args: place(``str``, optional): Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ return self.__GetHelper('seas', place=place)
[docs] def GetCountries(self, place=None): """Returns a collection of places that are countries if `place` is not provided. Returns a collection of places that are countries and are part of or adjacent to the specified continent or ocean. Args: place(``str``, optional): A place string Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ return self.__GetHelper('countries', place=place)
[docs] def GetStates(self, country): """ Returns a collection of places that are top-level administrative areas (states) within a country. Args: country(``str``): A country string Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ return self.__GetHelper('states', place=country)
[docs] def GetCounties(self, state): """Returns a collection of places that are second-level administrative areas (counties) within a top-level administrative area (state). Args: state(``str``): A state string. Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ return self.__GetHelper('counties', place=state)
[docs] def GetDistricts(self, county): """Returns a collection of places that are third-level administrative areas (districts) within a second-level administrative area (county). Args: county(``str``): A county string Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ return self.__GetHelper('districts', place=county)
[docs] def GetConcordance(self, namespace, id): """Returns information that maps dentifiers (codes) from other providers to WOEIDs. The supported namespace and id values are provided in Args: namespace(``str``): A namespace string id(``str``): An id string Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ paths = ['concordance', namespace, id] return self.__GetHelper(paths)
[docs] def GetPlacetypes(self, country=None, typ=None): """Returns the complete collection of place types supported in GeoPlanet if neither `country` or `typ` is specified. Returns information about all the known placetypes. The placetype name returned will be country-specific, and may vary upon the language requested if country is specified. Args: country(``str``, optional): A country code string typ(``str`` or ``list`` or ``int``, optional): A type filter. Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ filters = Filters(typ=typ) paths = ['placetypes'] paths.append(country) return self.__GetHelper(path=paths,filters=filters)
[docs] def GetPlacetype(self, typ, country): """Returns a place type resource if only `typ` is specified. Returns information about a single placetype known by its code. The placetype name returned will be country-specific, and may vary depending upon the language requested. Args: typ(``str`` or ``list`` or ``int``): A type filter. country(``str``): A country code string Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ paths = ['placetype'] typ = str(typ) country = str(country) paths.append(typ) paths.append(country) return self.__GetHelper(path=paths)