Modules Documentation


A library that provides a Python interface to the Yahoo GeoPlanet API

class woeid.api.Api(client_id, base_url='', select='long', format='json', lang='en-us', count=0, start=0)[source]

Bases: object

A python interface into the Woeid API
Example usage:

To create an instance of the woeid.Api class. Note: you will need to initialize it with your client id (consumer key) which you can obtain from Yahoo at The detailed guide can be found in the Getting Started section.

>>> import woeid
>>> api = woeid.Api(client_id='client_key')
Your yahoo client id (consumer key). Note: this is not the id of your app!
base_url(str, optional):
Specify the base url for making requests. (You probably wouldn’t want to change it)
select(str, optional):
Specify how you would like your result to return. Only short or long are accepted.
format(str, optional):
Specify which format you would like to receive as a response format. Three values are accepted: json, xml, geojson.
lang(str, optional):
Specify the language you would like the return names to be be shown. RFC 4646 language codes are accepted.
count(str or int, optional):
Specify the maximum number of results to return. A count of 0 is interpreted as no maximum (all resources)
start(str or int, optional):
Skip the first N results.

The base url

Getter:Get the base url
Setter:Set the base url

The client id

Getter:Get the client id
Setter:Set the client id

The format code

Getter:Get the maximum number of results to return.
Setter:Set the maximum number of results to return. A value of 0 is interpreted as no maximum (all resources)
Type:int or str

The response format code

Getter:Get the response format code
Setter:Set the response format code. Supported values are: ‘json’, ‘xml’, ‘geojson’
GetConcordance(namespace, id)[source]

Returns information that maps dentifiers (codes) from other providers to WOEIDs. The supported namespace and id values are provided in

A namespace string
An id string
Response content in bytes

Returns a collection of places that are continents.

Response content in bytes

Returns a collection of places that are second-level administrative areas (counties) within a top-level administrative area (state).

A state string.
Response content in bytes

Returns a collection of places that are countries if place is not provided. Returns a collection of places that are countries and are part of or adjacent to the specified continent or ocean.

place(str, optional):
A place string
Response content in bytes

Returns a collection of places that are third-level administrative areas (districts) within a second-level administrative area (county).

A county string
Response content in bytes

Returns a collection of places that are oceans.

Response content in bytes
GetPlace(woeid, degree=None, typ=None, nd=None, parent=False, ancestors=False, belongtos=False, neighbors=False, children=False, siblings=False, descendants=False, common=False)[source]

Return a place object that matches a specified woeid or with a specified relationship specifier (parent, ancestors, belongtos, neightbors, children, siblings, descendants, common) or with filters (degree, typ, nd).

woeid(str or int or tuple or list):
The unique place specifier.
degree(int or str, optional):
.degree specifier which represents the degree to which two places are neighborhoods. Only consider valid if either neighbors or children filters are set.
typ(str or int or list, optional):
.type specifier which is used to specify placetypes. Up to ten place types may be provided. Only consider valid if either belongtos, children or placetypes are set.
nd(boolean, optional):
$and specifier which is used to join two fitlers together.
parent(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a parent place of a given woeid.
ancestors(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return one or more acestors of a place of a given woeid.
belongtos(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that have a place as a child or descendant (child of a child).
neighbors(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that neighbor of a place.
children(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that are children of a place.
siblings(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that are siblings of a place.
descendants(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that are in the child hierarchy (the child, the child of child, etc).
common(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return the common ancestor of both places.
Response content in ``bytes``
GetPlaces(q=None, woeid=None, typ=None, nd=None)[source]

Returns a collection of places that match a specified place name, and optionally, a specified place type. The resources in the collection are long representations of each place (unless short representations are explicitly requested).Supported Filters .q, .type, $and, .woeid.

q(str or tuple, optional):
Specify a place name to search for or a tuple that has a place name and a focus. This filter is mutually exclusive with the woeid filter. The specified place can be any unicode characters. Focus can be either an ISO-3166-1 country code or a WOEID. For a “startswith” filter, specify the place as a string followed by an asterisk (*).
woeid(list(str) or list(int), optional):
Specify a Where On Earth Identifier (woeid). Up to ten WOEIDs may be specified. This filter is mutually exclusive with the q filter. Example: woeid=(1,2,3)
typ(list(str) or list(int) or int, optional):
Specify one or more place type codes ( Up to ten place type codes or names may be provided.
nd(boolean, optional):

Specify a join operations on two filters. Example:

>>> import woeid
>>> api = woeid.Api(client_id='YOUR_CLIENT_ID')
>>> ret = api.GetPlaces(q='StringField', typ=22, nd=True)
Response content in bytes
GetPlacetype(typ, country)[source]

Returns a place type resource if only typ is specified. Returns information about a single placetype known by its code. The placetype name returned will be country-specific, and may vary depending upon the language requested.

typ(str or list or int):
A type filter.
A country code string
Response content in bytes
GetPlacetypes(country=None, typ=None)[source]

Returns the complete collection of place types supported in GeoPlanet if neither country or typ is specified. Returns information about all the known placetypes. The placetype name returned will be country-specific, and may vary upon the language requested if country is specified.

country(str, optional):
A country code string
typ(str or list or int, optional):
A type filter.
Response content in bytes

Returns a collection of places that are seas if place is not provided. Returns a collection of places that are seas and are part of or adjacent to the specified continent or ocean if place is specified.

place(str, optional):
Response content in bytes

Returns a collection of places that are top-level administrative areas (states) within a country.

A country string
Response content in bytes

The language code (RFC 4646) used for making requests

Getter:Get the language code used for making requests
Setter:Set the language code used for making requests. Possible language codes are defined in RFC 4646

The result representation mode

Getter:Get the result representation mode
Setter:Set the result representation mode. Supported values are: long, short

The number of records to skip

Getter:Get the number of records to skip
Setter:Set the number of records to skip
Type:int or str


class woeid.modules.Filters(q=None, woeid=None, typ=None, degree=None, aand=None)[source]

A class that encapsulates all filters Args:

q(str or tuple, optional):
Specify a place name to search for or a tuple that has a place name and a focus. This filter is mutually exclusive with the woeid filter. The specified place can be any unicode characters. Focus can be either an ISO-3166-1 country code or a WOEID. For a “startswith” filter, specify the place as a string followed by an asterisk (*).
woeid(list``(``str) or list``(``int), optional):
Specify a Where On Earth Identifier (woeid). Up to ten WOEIDs may be specified. This filter is mutually exclusive with the q filter. Example: woeid=(1,2,3)
typ(list``(``str) or list``(``int) or int, optional):
Specify one or more place type codes ( Up to ten place type codes or names may be provided.
degree(int or str, optional):
.degree specifier which represents the degree to which two places are neighborhoods. Only consider valid if either neighbors or children filters are set.
nd(boolean, optional):

Specify a join operations on two filters. Example:

>>> import woeid
>>> api = woeid.Api(client_id='YOUR_CLIENT_ID')
>>> ret = api.GetPlaces(q='StringField', typ=22, nd=True)

Return if the filter object has $and filter


Return if the filter object has .degree filter


Return if the filter object has .q filter.


Return if the filter object has .type filter


Return if the filter object has .woeid filter.

class woeid.modules.Relationships(parent=False, ancestors=False, belongstos=False, neighbors=False, siblings=False, children=False, descendants=False, common=False)[source]

“A class that encapsulates all relationships

parent(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a parent place of a given woeid.
ancestors(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return one or more acestors of a place of a given woeid.
belongtos(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that have a place as a child or descendant (child of a child).
neighbors(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that neighbor of a place.
children(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that are children of a place.
siblings(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that are siblings of a place.
descendants(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return a collection of places that are in the child hierarchy (the child, the child of child, etc).
common(boolean, optional):
A relationship specifier used to return the common ancestor of both places.


class woeid.utility.ResponseCheck(code)[source]

A utility class reponsible for chekcing the reponse code and raise corresponding error

The response code in integer
class woeid.utility.Utility[source]
static BuildParams(appid, format='json', select='short', lang='en-us')[source]

For constructing a parameter dictionary.

Parameters dictionary
static BuildUrls(url, path_elements, extra_params=None, extra_woeid=None, filters=None, relationships=None, count=None, start=None)[source]

An utility class reponsible for building the url string

A list of paths that will be appended to the base url.
extra_params(dict, optional):
A dictionary representing the parameters for making the url.
extra_woeid(list``(``int) or list``(``str), optional):
This is useful when the common filter has been set. Aiming for making urls such as 1234/common/3456/73923
filters(Filters, optional):
A Filter object
relationships(Relationships, optional):
A Relationship object
count(int, optional):
Specify the maximum number of results to return. A count of 0 is interpreted as no maximum (all resources)
start(int, optional):
Skip the first N results.
A valid url containing all queries, filters, parameters.
static EncodeParameters(parameters)[source]

Return a string in key=value&key=value form. Values of None are not included in the output string.

parameters (OrderedDict):
dictionary of query parameters to be converted into a string for encoding and sending to Twitter.
A URL-encoded string in “key=value&key=value” form
static GetLastRequestUrl()[source]

An utility function for fetching the most recent requesting url

Last request url in str
static GetLastResponseCode()[source]

A utility function for fetching the most recent reponse code

Last response code in int
static MakeRequest(url)[source]

An utility function for making url requests. Will do response check

Response content in bytes
static PrettyPrintResult(bts)[source]

An utility function for pretty printing the result with indentation and new lines.
