Source code for woeid.utility

from __future__ import print_function
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import urllib
import requests
from woeid import (Relationships, Filters, WoeidError)
import xml.dom.minidom

__author__ = 'Renchen'
	import urlparse
	from urllib import urlencode
except ImportError:
	import urllib.parse
	urlparse = urllib.parse
	from urllib.parse import urlencode

[docs]class ResponseCheck: """A utility class reponsible for chekcing the reponse code and raise corresponding error Args: code(``int``): The response code in integer """ def __init__(self, code): if code == 400: raise WoeidError("The appid parameter was invalid or not specified. or the q filter was missing or incorrectly specified for this resource.") if code == 404: raise WoeidError("The URI has no match in the display map") if code ==406: raise WoeidError("The requested representation is not available for this resource")
[docs]class Utility: __cached_url = None __response_code = None @staticmethod
[docs] def BuildUrls(url, path_elements, extra_params=None, extra_woeid=None, filters=None, relationships=None, count=None, start=None): """An utility class reponsible for building the url string Args: path_elements(``list``(``str``)): A list of paths that will be appended to the base url. extra_params(``dict``, optional): A dictionary representing the parameters for making the url. extra_woeid(``list``(``int``) or ``list``(``str``), optional): This is useful when the `common` filter has been set. Aiming for making urls such as `1234/common/3456/73923` filters(``Filters``, optional): A `Filter` object relationships(``Relationships``, optional): A `Relationship` object count(``int``, optional): Specify the maximum number of results to return. A count of 0 is interpreted as `no maximum` (all resources) start(``int``, optional): Skip the first N results. Returns: A valid url containing all queries, filters, parameters. """ (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(url) # Add any additional path elements to the path # Filter out the path elements that have a value of None p = [i for i in path_elements if i] if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' path += '/'.join(p) # Add any additional query parameters to the query string if extra_params and len(extra_params) > 0: extra_query = Utility.EncodeParameters(extra_params) # Add it to the existing query if query: query += '&' + extra_query else: query = extra_query if relationships and isinstance(relationships, Relationships): path += str(relationships) if extra_woeid: for woeid in extra_woeid: path += str(woeid) + '/' path = path[:-1] if filters and isinstance(filters, Filters) and filters.IsValid(): path += str(filters) if type(count) is int: path += ';count=%s'%str(count) if type(start) is int: path += ';start=%s'%str(start) # Return the rebuilt URL return urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment))
[docs] def EncodeParameters(parameters): """Return a string in key=value&key=value form. Values of None are not included in the output string. Args: parameters (``OrderedDict``): dictionary of query parameters to be converted into a string for encoding and sending to Twitter. Returns: A URL-encoded string in "key=value&key=value" form """ if parameters is None: return None if not isinstance(parameters, OrderedDict): raise WoeidError("`parameters` must be a dict.") else: return urlencode(OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in parameters.items() if v is not None))
[docs] def BuildParams(appid, format='json', select='short', lang='en-us'): """For constructing a parameter dictionary. Returns: Parameters dictionary """ dict = OrderedDict({}) dict['format'] = format dict['select'] = select dict['lang'] = lang dict['appid'] = appid return dict
[docs] def MakeRequest(url): """An utility function for making url requests. Will do response check Returns: Response content in ``bytes`` """ Utility.__cached_url = url """An utility function for making url request """ #print("Making requests on: %s"%url) ret = {} try: response = requests.get(url) Utility.__response_code = response.status_code ResponseCheck(response.status_code) # return in bytes! ret = response.content except WoeidError as e: print(e.message) return ret return ret
[docs] def PrettyPrintResult(bts): """An utility function for pretty printing the result with indentation and new lines. Returns: None """ #print(isinstance(bts, bytes)) if not isinstance(bts, bytes): return # decode into unicode unicode_str = bts.decode('utf-8') try: # Has to set ensure_ascii off to keep the non-ascii characters. print(json.dumps(json.loads(unicode_str), indent=4, separators={',' , ': '}, ensure_ascii=False)) except TypeError as e: print(e) except ValueError as e: xxml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(unicode_str) print(xxml.toprettyxml()) finally: pass
[docs] def GetLastRequestUrl(): """An utility function for fetching the most recent requesting url Returns: Last request url in ``str`` """ if Utility.__cached_url: return Utility.__cached_url else: return None
[docs] def GetLastResponseCode(): """A utility function for fetching the most recent reponse code Returns: Last response code in ``int`` """ if Utility.__response_code: return Utility.__response_code else: return None